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Open watch bulletin on insect-based bioconversion

Open watch bulletin on insect-based bioconversion

In collaboration with INRAE's Directorate for Open Science (DipSO), the INSECT4CITY consortium has created a collaborative and open watch bulletin on insect-based bioconversion. The BETTER metaprogram, which funded this consortium in 2020, is pleased to host this watch on its web pages, and is delighted with this initiative, which takes shape in this newsletter, in the exploratory project FLY4WASTE funded for two years (2022-2023) (see our projects by theme) and through the funding of a PhD thesis (see our PhD thesis page).

This newsletter is the result of a partnership between the INRAE's Directorate for Open Science (DipSO) and the entomology research collective members of the INSECT4CITY consortium.

INRAE entomology group:  Christelle Planche (TRANSFORM), Erwan Engel (TRANSFORM) et Patrick Borel (ALIMH)

INRAE ASTRA-DipSO members: Bruno Pierrel, Monique Delabuis, Camille Brard, Sybille De Mareschal

  • Scope: Europe/France
  • Thematic areas: Focus on 2 insects (Tenebrio molitor and Hermetia Illucens), on substrates (organic biowaste and agricultural co-products), industrial uses and products (protein meal and insect manure)
  • Types of information: scientific articles, information on current and completed projects, regulatory documents, calls for projects, private sector information.

Please note: the selected information does not present INRAE production or its official position.


Christelle Planche: christelle.planche@inrae.fr

In this folder

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from November 1 to December 31, 2024

Insectes comestibles

TThis issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from August 1 to October 31, 2024.

Insectes comestibles

TThis issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from August 1 to October 31, 2024.

Insectes comestibles

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from April 1 to May 31, 2024.

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from February 1 to March 31, 2024.

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from December 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024.

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from October 1 to November 30, 2023.

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from April 1 to September 30, 2023. Among the many recent articles, we would like to highlight the publication of Manaa et al. (2024), which focuses on the key role played by the gut microbiota of insects used for biowaste recycling.

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion from December 15, 2022 to March 31, 2023. Among the many recent articles, we would like to highlight the BSFCON conference and the article by Kee et al. (2023). Kee et al. (2023) carried out a literature review on the concept of insect biorefineries, which consists in using insects as a tool to convert waste into energy and other beneficial products. The authors highlight the many biotechnological products derived from insect biorefineries, such as biofertilizers, animal feeds, edible foods, biopolymers, bioenzymes and biodiesel.

This issue covers scientific and industrial news on insect-based bioconversion published between September 27 and November 25, 2022. Among the many recent articles, we would like to highlight the publication of Parodi et al. (2022). Parodi et al. (2022) propose a holistic approach to identify the rules for a responsible and sustainable use of insects in animal feed: i. prioritize waste reduction ii. reduce feed-food competition iii. reduce health risks associated with insect farming iv. revise the regulatory framework v. feed insects with by-products vi. Integrate insect welfare.

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