

The metaprogramme is led by a team consisting of a director, a co-director and a project manager in charge of operations. A broader steering committee advises and supports the interdisciplinary approach.

Management team


Sophie Thoyer, Director, joint research unit CEE-M, Montpellier Centre

Jean-Philippe Steyer

Jean-Philippe Steyer, co-director, research unit LBE (Narbonne), Montpellier Centre

Pascale Marchado-Sarni

Pascale Manchado-Sarni, Project Manager joint research unit SPOMontpellier Centre

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee supports the Metaprogramme’s management team in programming, events management, and scientific monitoring. This committee is composed of scientists from different research divisions, representing a range of disciplines, approaches and scientific backgrounds.

The BETTER Steering Committee by INRAE division:

INRAE advisor to the management board: Monique Axelos, Scientific Director for Food and Bioeconomy (Paris)

International Scientific Committee

An international committee ('Scientific Advisory Board' or SAB), made up of international scientific experts, provides guidance and advice.



Jean-Benoit Bel

Association of cities and regions for sustainable management, Bruxelles, Belgique

Sophie Bernard

Département de Mathématiques et Génie Industriel, Polytechnique Montréal, Canada

Nicolas Derlon

Department of Process Engineering, EAWAG, Suisse

Sybil Derrible

Complex and Sustainable Urban Networks, Department of Civil and Materials Engineering, University of Illinois, USA

Virginie Le Ravalec

ADEME - RDI Bioéconomie – Agronomie

Direction Exécutive Prospective et Recherche (DEPR)

Anne Grenier

ADEME – Villes durables

Vincent Viguié

École des Ponts, Cired, économie et prospective modelling, physique, modélisation et économie



See also

Modification date: 21 May 2024 | Publication date: 02 July 2021 | By: PSM