Consortium MOSAIC (2020-2022)

MOSAIC : MetabOlism of agricultural and food systems in the city-hinterland continuum

Material and energy flows between town and country, questioning agri-food systems: relocation, non-food uses of biomass, opposing soil artificialisation, etc.

Context and challenges


Bioeconomic strategies imply using technological innovations (in the broad sense of the term) to intensify and diversify the uses of biomass, particularly agricultural biomass (products and co-products). For researchers, the aims of the bioeconomy raise the question of the capacity of ecological systems and natural resources to support economic activity and to renew themselves. In parallel, they raise the question of trade-offs in the allocation of resources (food vs. energy; feed vs. food, etc.), between spaces, between uses, and between users. The challenge is to understand the interactions between the activities that produce, process, value and consume biomass in a systemic rather than sectoral way, and to account for the dynamics of the water, energy and land resources that underpin these activities. 

Progress and results

Vignette Villes et déchets

The MOSAIC project examined the flow of materials and energy between the town and the countryside, in a context In which agri-food systems are being called into question: relocation, non-food uses of biomass, the fight against soil artificialisation, and so on. A series of 3 distance (online) seminars was organised, showcasing a diversity of work and approaches and initiating exchange of knowledge between researchers. 

The seminars were followed by a week-long collective writing workshop. The final article "Flow approaches in agrifood systems research: Revealing blind spots to support social-ecological transformation" has been submitted for publication. Starting from the premise that approaches based on flows are increasingly used to respond to the challenges posed by the ecological crisis, the article points out the limitations and biases of these approaches in providing practical support for the transition of agri-food systems (decontextualization effects, failure to account for the complexity of production systems, weak link with issues of governance and environmental justice, among others). These weaknesses are illustrated by concrete examples drawn from the case of Brussels and other European cities. A number of avenues for research are highlighted.

The work carried out by the MOSAIC consortium has identified a number of models for studying city-hinterland relations and research fronts to render 'flow' approaches (social metabolism, life cycle analysis, footprints) more effective in transforming agri-food systems.


Consulter nos séminaires


Contacts - Coordination :

Project participants

INRAE structures

The consortium is made up of people from different INRAE fields, research units and divisions who are interested in finding the common ground between their research and are able to identify future partners.

Département ACT


Ecological economics, system agronomy


Integrated modelling


System agronomy (theme: food)

Département TRANSFORM


Bioengineering, environmental engineering, environmental assessment, systems approach (waste & co-products)

Département AQUA


Water science

Modification date : 25 March 2024 | Publication date : 04 April 2022 | Redactor : PSM