RéBUS Consortium (2020)

RéBUS : Research network for sustainable urban biorefineries

Understand the interactions between the activities that produce, process, value and consume biomass in a systematic rather than sectoral way, and account for the dynamics of the water, energy and land resources that underpin these activities

Context and challenges


In the 2010s, the biorefinery concept was extended to include the use of waste biomass, and is now known as an environmental biorefinery. The aim is to combine the environmental benefits of a biorefinery as an alternative to a petroleum refinery with the benefits of exploiting waste bio-resources. Researchers have been assessing the possibility of smaller-scale biorefineries, particularly environmental biorefineries, for less than a decade. In the same vein, the idea of a truly urban and peri-urban environmental biorefinery, i.e. one that is designed to be integrated into the city or its surrounding area, is equally innovative. Shifting to this model would not only help improve the quality of the urban environment and lead to more efficient waste processing, but would also help citizens and local communities adapt to environmental, economic and social changes, and to seize the opportunities arising from these changes (new skills and know-how, modernisation and added value for industry, improved quality of life, etc.).

It is also a matter of constantly thinking about “tomorrow’s waste”, that is, designing systems that take into account the way waste is likely to change in terms of quantity and composition, leading to new trends in consumption. The challenge is to understand the interactions between how biomass is produced, processed, recovered and used in a whole system rather in sectors, and to grasp the dynamics of water, energy and land resources that underpin these activities.

The idea of a truly urban and peri-urban environmental biorefinery, that is, designed to be incorporated into cities or their surrounding area, is novel and has not yet been the subject of publications. 

Progress and results

Vignette Villes et déchets

Leadership of the REBUS consortium enabled the creation of an interdisciplinary network of researchers  aimed at catalysing forward-looking thinking on urban environmental biorefining by drawing on the thematic and disciplinary diversity of INRAE researchers. The main objective of the consortium was to create a shared understanding and to co-construct scientific projects, in other words, to 'sow the seeds' of interdisciplinary thinking about the urban environmental biorefinery among INRAE scientists. 


The main results produced by the REBUS consortium to date are:

  • An exploratory study of start-ups that collect and recycle bio-waste. This study was the subject of a 2nd year INSA Centre - Val de Loire internship report and is currently continuing with the submission of an abstract to the "10th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management": New circular business models for urban solid biowaste valorisation, V. Savary, S. Costa, M. Donner, C. Duquennoi.
  • Creating and running the "REBUS" research school: "Managing and recovering organic waste in an urban or peri-urban context: the Urban Environmental Biorefinery". From Monday the 3rd of October to Friday the 7th of October 2022 at Ecully, Grand Lyon (France) with 30 participants from the INRAE Bioeconomy of Urban Territories metaprogramme and from outside INRAE.
  • The Research School has helped structure the research questions underlying the FREGATE exploratory project supported by BETTER in the 2023 call for expressions of interest. The FREGATE project will address 3 closely related research questions:
    • How can we co-construct a design adapted to the Urban Environmental Biorefinery System (SUBE) for our region and our needs?
    • How does the flexibility/modulability of SUBE change the framework of appropriate design constraints?
    • How does the resilience framework change the framework of appropriate design constraints?

Participation in the 10th International Conference on Sustainable solid waste management (Chania, Crete, 21-24 June 2023):     "New circular business models for urban solid waste management", V. Savary, S. Costa, M. Donner, C. Duquennoi

Project sheets

Contacts - Coordination

Project participants

The consortium is made up of people from different INRAE fields, research units and divisions who are interested in finding the common ground between their research and are able to identify future partners. 

INRAE structures

ACT division
UMR SADAPTAgronomy of territories, city/hinterland relations, agricultural transition, agri-food metabolism, urban food system, eco-socio-economic aspects of residual biomass recovery facilities.
UMR LAE Bioeconomy, energy and ecological transition of territories
UMR LBETechnological, sanitary, territorial and environmental characterisation and optimisation of residual biomass recovery processes and sectors
UMR ITAPLCA and environmental evaluation of territories
ECOSOCIO division
UMR MoÏSAEconomy, management and marketing. Business models, behaviour of consumers/users of products from biorefineries, organisation of new markets
UMR BETAEconomy, coupling economic models (partial equilibrium, multi-agent) and models from other disciplines (LCA, Material Flow Analysis, etc.)
TRANSFORM division
UMR PROSETechnological optimisation and innovation of residual biomass recovery processes; microbial ecology, modelling, systemic approaches
UMR OPAALETechnological, territorial and environmental optimisation of residual biomass recovery sectors, LCA
UR QuaPARecovery of livestock slaughter residue (by-products and household waste), regulatory watch
UMR LBETechnological, sanitary, territorial and environmental characterisation and optimisation of residual biomass recovery processes and sectors
UMR FARETransformation and recovery of lignocellulosic biomass by bio-technological means
UR BIAPlant biomass fractionation, biobased materials, modelling and knowledge engineering

Non-INRAE partners

Institut Paul Bocuse (IPB)Marketing, behaviour of waste producers (restaurant owners)